Ola's super ticket gives you the extra flexibility of your holiday, so that you can come and go as you please and take advantage of the attractions and experiences in Lilleputthammer family park combined with the many other options the area has to offer. Look at the weather, or your feeling, and choose based on what you want to spend the day on. You will receive the tickets at the reception on arrival - and the tickets can be picked up before you check in. This way you can enjoy the day in Lilleputthammer family park.
With Ola's super ticket, there are also many who take advantage of times when there are traditionally fewer people in the park, such as the beginning and end of the days. Then you will get extra many trips in the climbing trail or your favorite carousel!
The Super Ticket is valid during Lilleputthammer opening hours.
20% early booking discount on Ola's super package when ordering no later than May 17th. Applies to selected family apartments at Hafjell Resort.